Baby Loves Cat

She’s incapable of controlling her limbs when her kitty is around. The obsession grows every day.

That’s a sleep sack she’s in. Not a starfish outfit. Although I wish I were cool enough to dress my daughter in a starfish outfit.


SLOW MOTION – Samuel DuBose Ohio Police shooting video Cincinnati Cop Ray Tensing Killing Murder-1

Slow Motion – SHOT TO THE HEAD – Samuel DuBose is Dead – Cop faces murder charge for Killing of Samual DuBose in traffic shooting in Cincinnati Ohio Police shooting which killed the black man pulled over for a missing front license place. The body cam captured it all as Samuel DuBose was shot in the head at close range. UPDATE 7/30/2015 Scroll Down |

Officer Tensing said he was dragged by the car but Joe Deters, the Hamilton County Prosecutor says he doesn’t see that, what he sees is a senseless killing of Samuel DuBose. What he did, what he captured on his body camera was without question a murder.

The Prosecutor goes on to say that this was a “Pretty chicken crap stop… None the less, if he’s starting to roll away just seriously, Let Him Go… I mean, you don’t have to shoot him in the head”…

July 19th 2015 University of Cincinnati campus police officer Ray Tensing cop shot and killed Samual DuBose 43 was indicted on murder charges on July 29th 2015

A Cincinnati prosecutor said he (Ray Tensing) “purposely killed” Samuel DuBose in Ohio which was without question, a murder. He went on to say that Tensing “should never have been a police officer.”, “This is the most asinine act I’ve ever seen a police officer make, totally unwarranted.”

The University of Cincinnati has canceled classes for today and put up barricades out of caution due to the white police officer killing of black Samuel DuBose.

The Mayor of Cincinnati said the people are welcome to protest, people have a right to protest but the city will not tolerate any lawlessness…

See the end of the video 1:36 for the un-paused version of this slow motion video showing when the cop shot Samuel DuBose to death…

Samuel DuBose was the father of 10 children

UPDATE 07/30/2015:
The now “FIRED” University of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing being held under 1,000,000.00 (1 Millions) dollar bond has pleaded NOT GUILTY to charges of “Murder” and “Voluntary Manslaughter”. The judge was ask to lower the bond and the request was flat-out denied. Ex-Cop Tensing posted bond later in the day somehow.

The prosecutor Joe Deters explains that in Ohio, Murder is the purposeful killing of another human being.

On the video, Ex Officer Tensing is heard saying 8 times: “he was dragging me”. The Prosecutor says he was lying and “he was not dragged, he intentionally shot this man in the head”. And about Ex Officer Tensing being on the ground after the shooting, the prosecutor says “he fell backwards, he was NOT dragged” after he shot Samuel Dubose in the head. “He pulled the gun out in 1 second and fired it into his head”.

The prosecutor says without the body cameras there’s probably not an indictment here…

The prosecutor says he’s graduated the University of Cincinnati twice and, “they should do what they do best, which is educate kids… They are not in the job of being police officers. Cincinnati Police should be running this job for them.”

The prosecutor Joe Deters also said he will prosecute this case because “this is a very simple case, he intentionally shot him in the head now what do you thinks going to happen… He’s gonna die, that’s what happens when you shoot somebody in the head”.


Lava run man runs over glowing lava flow on volcano Etna

Lava flow and a dangerous run: A “lava art craft worker” runs through a streaming and still glowing lava flow on volcano Etna. The temperature of the lava was around 850 degrees Celsius. This video answers the question often asked if you can run over a glowing lava flow. Not recommended for imitation! The worker was very experienced and knew what he was doing.

What is Lava?
Lava formed in Earth’s interior by partial melting of rocks in the mantle. As the lava contains many gases and fluids in the earth, the lava is called magma. Only when the gases escape during the eruption, the magma lose the gases and turns into lava.
When first erupted from a volcanic vent, lava is a liquid at temperatures from 700 to 1,250 °C Up to 100,000 times as viscous as water, lava can flow great distances before cooling and solidifying.
A lava flow is a moving outpouring of lava, which is created during a non-explosive effusive eruption. When it has stopped moving, lava solidifies to form igneous rock.

Whether you can run over a lava flow depends on several factors. The viscosity of the lava determines whether you sink into this or not. The viscosity depends on the temperature and the composition of the lava. In basalt, andesite and rhyolite the deciding factor is the temperature. This rock melts are so dense that they can carry a person. If the temperature, however, be more than 1000 degrees, the melt is too thin to go about it. The lava at the volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai is so fluid that it does not take a person with temperatures of about 450 degrees.There I was filming a student who burned his foot when he went on a lava flow at night. The lava there is not glowing, but looks like mud.
But do not be silly, each contact with hot lava can cause awful burns. How to look like something, I filmed at the volcano Merapi. There burned a cow in a pyroclastic flow


Baby Elephant Loves Cuddling with Arthur (Original)-1

Arthur and I traveled to Chiang Mai, Thailand, from Toronto, Canada, in December 2012 and visited the Patara Elephant Farm to become elephant owners for the day. Unlike other Elephant Parks in Chiang Mai, the staff and owners at Patara focus solely on the health-care and breeding management for these endangered species and aid the recovery process for elephants injured by mine bombs – tourists come second.

When we arrived, we really had to work hard and learn what it meant to take care of these amazing creatures. This included feeding the elephants their daily meals, inspecting and squeezing out the water from fresh stool, bathing, scrubbing and washing the elephants in the river, and finally exercising the elephants in the jungle.

It was at the end of our day which we had the unique opportunity to play with a two month old female calf named Tara. As soon as she heard Arthur calling her, she ran over and cuddled with him non-stop. It was an adorable and unforgettable experience.