The images are unbearable. A woman punches a baby several times with his fist in the face! She slaps it , grabs it in the neck and shakes it through ! Sofia ( Bulgaria ) – midwife Emilia Kovacheva ( 40 ) has beaten a four- day-old girl nearly to death ! This was confirmed …
Soups : Carrot soup with broccoli
Ingredients for 8 people : – 900g of carrots cut into small pieces – 1 onion cut in half – 1 clove garlic – 1 chicken bouillon cube (optional ) – 60 ml of oil – 500g of broccoli trunks – 2 large carrots , grated – 1.5 l of water – Salt qs Preparation …
Main dish: puff pastry Cod with Shrimp
Ingredients for 6 people : – 1 Mass Puff rectangle approximately 680g , 1.5 cm thick , 25 cm long and 15 cm wide . – 1 beaten egg – Flour for dusting – 700 g of desalted cod – 20 cooked shrimp , peeled and sliced – 70g butter – The white part of …
Madonna Response : Is Drake a good kisser?
IS DRAKE A GOOD KISSER? YOU ASKED A MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION Saturday, Madonna answered to many questions from her living room during her sips of rose wine , via the Internet YouTube AskAnythingChat channel. And she obviously talked about the famous kiss shared with Drake on stage at the Coachella Festival . When one of …
How Harry Potter Stars look now??
Harry Potter Actors before & After 14 Years
Healthy food options for diabetic Patient
HEALTHY FOOD OPTIONS At the time of your diagnosis of Pre diabetic symptoms, have you thought, ” I could never eat sweet?” If so, you ‘re not alone. The idea that diabetes requires you to “give up” your favorite foods can block you and keep you from learning what are the healthy food choices. Fortunately, it …
Mother of the Year
This mom is declared “Mother of the Year” by giving a good lesson to her son in a riot. This motherboard has become popular because of this video in which she gives a taught a good lesson to her son who was in the riot of Baltimore. You are probably aware of this hot event …
Royal baby: New arrival in Royal family
On Saturday, Kate Middleton gave birth to a another royal baby in a private wing of St. Mary’s Hospital in London reported British royal family . Mom and daughter are doing well . How the baby will be called , will probably be announced in a few days . Royal Baby First appearance to public …
England’s former international Ferdinand mourns for his wife
The former England international Rio Ferdinand mourns his wife Rebecca Ellison . ” My soul mate is gone last night and left me alone. You will live in our memories as a model and inspiration ,” He said it in a statement that Ferdinand publish on the website of his club Queens Park Rangers Ellison …
Long live Mother’s Day !
Whether mom- hen, cake – mom , mom – overactive or cool – mom, all mothers of the earth are simply extraordinary . Always present, attentive , cuddly , comforting , they have a heart as big as a house! Therefore , every year they deserved one day specially dedicated to them… An opportunity to …
Some important fact about the Mother’s day
The Mother’s Day Mother’s Day is a public holiday in honor of the mother and motherhood . It has become popular in the western world since the 20th century . In German-speaking countries and many other countries it will be held in May on the 2nd Sunday . Ryan’s unforgettable Mother’s Day delivery to Mom …
Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso : Spared at the last second of execution
What happens now with Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso ? Jakarta ( Indonesia ) – Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso ( 30 ) her two sons Mark Daniel ( 12 ) and Mark Darren ( 6 ) had already been adopted. She was waiting for the Indonesian prison island Nusakambangan their execution , when her life was …
Mission : Mega – Body 2015
Cookies, cakes , calorie bombs – Christmas has once again left traces . Now there’s only one : be brave and serve up the bacon !These five new super – effective fitness trends muscle firm of which you did not know that you have them. Aerial Pilates – How in flight HOW DOES IT WORK …