Mobile and Applications Science & Technology

Instagram is no longer limited to square images

This is a small revolution for those addicted to the shared photo on smartphone. Instagram , which had in December 2014 at least 300 million active users , announces , Thursday, August 27 , that gives its users the ability to post photos in a format other than the square.

Version 7.5 of the application sees appearing a button for the frame , which is displayed at the time of posting the image and allows to share as portrait (vertical) or landscape (horizontal) . The photo will then display in this way in the flow of the homepage of Instagram , which look more like a succession of images or square footage .


This development will meet the original frames of photos and videos taken with a smartphone or a digital camera, and are shared on the application. “You can share photos and videos with dimensions of between 1.91: 1 and 4: 5,” .

In a blog post detailing this evolution, the social network teams, ensuring that “the square format has been and will always be part of what we are”, also say “particularly excited about what this release means day for the videos, which will be displayed full screen. “

One imagines that these formats will primarily particularly appeal to advertisers, who can broadcast commercials in the form of sponsored posts since last March.

But it also opens up new opportunities to all persons who have professional use of this application bypassing the advertising promotion (eg, painters), or lambda users no longer have to use third-party applications like No Crop , or Whitegram Instasize which convert horizontal and vertical photos in square format.

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