Beauty & Wellness Body Care DIY

Get Rid of Unwanted facial hair Naturally at Home

Unwanted facial hair is a major problem for most of the females and it has been detested by almost every woman, especially if it is prominent then it would be horrible nightmare for them. However, some women have hardly noticeable light facial hair which they often get rid of unwanted facial hair naturally at home with some easy beauty tips. But it is dreadful experience for some. Mostly the prominent unwanted facial hair is inherited genetically.  On the other hand for some their hormones make the talk.

Unwanted facial hair is dreaded by every woman/girl. Some women are comfortable and ignore paying a heed to what others think. In fact, even your facial hair that is light right now, after thirties begin to pop up in unlikely places such as nipples, chin and abdomen. This is because of the imbalance in the estrogen in females and androgen in male hormones. This natural aging process is disgusting, but not much of the beauty tips and tricks are helpful.

How to Get rid of Unwanted Facial Hair Naturally

Relying on cosmetic measures ranging from threading, tweezing, waxing or laser for unwanted hair helps in getting rid of these unwanted facial hair and these can be considered the quick and best beauty tips and tricks that really works. If you are fortunate enough to spend lots conveniently, you can go for laser treatment which is permanent solution for unwanted hair on face. However, a caution word is that it can leave a permanent scar for life.

With such tricks and beauty tips calls for spending in galore, it may appear there is a drastic reduction in hair growth on the face, but it comes back in a period of 12 to 24 months. As such, there is no point in wasting your money. There are creams to rub and assures reducing hair growth, but the history repeats such that on stopping this cream the hair growth is back. Moreover, it is unsafe for nursing and pregnant mothers.

Hair on the chin is removable by tweezing or threading. However, waxing is ruled out and whisking hair from the face cannot be done. In fact, some women tweeze the facial hairs frequently. Some have learned it and are doing it on own. It may be frustrating as you have to spend your time in front of a mirror in privacy such that it has good lighting. Yet, these DIY steps are difficult to be followed if you are staying out of your own house.  In fact, shaving is easier but unthinkable as it makes the hair dense.

Home Remedies

Female also try some remedies for unwanted hair. One of these remedies can be tried and will not have side effects as it is homemade. This helps reducing the hair growth on the face and is also a real beauty tip and trick.

Homemade Oil to Slower Growth of Unwanted Hair

Homemade oil to slow Hair Growth

Ingredients: 4 tsp or coconut oil, 4 tsp of Eucalyptus oil, 2 heaped teaspoons of coconut shell pieces and 12 garlic pods.

Method: First place the coconut oil on low flame in a pan, add coconut shell pieces, garlic pods and after sometime add eucalyptus oil. The boiling point should be to heat well. If it is heated much, it will catch fire. The moment you notice garlic turning brown, remove it from fire and store it. It can be preserved for 2 months. Avoid refrigerating. If you want more, increase the ingredients quantity.

Application: Apply this oil on tweezed skin for an hour or two. You can apply before going to bed or after taking bath. This will not eliminate your problem, but keeps in check without causing side effects.

This s a simple home remedy to gradually reduce or slower growth of unwanted facial hair on your face and body.

Application of Vaseline to remove facial Hair

We have heard a lot of benefits of Vaseline. We use vaseline on our cracked heals or dried lips as lip balm because vaseline helps to lock the moisturiser.

Vaseline to remove facial Hair

But some women also use Vaseline to remove unwanted hair from problematic areas such as chin, upper lips, armpit, pubic and legs.

In order to get rid of unwanted hair with Vaseline you need following four ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoon fresh milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon Vaseline


  • Add milk, gram flour and turmeric powder in a mixing bowl and mix it properly.
  • Add Vaseline and mix it well.
  • Now apply this paste on the problematic area on skin in direction of the hair growth.
  • Leave it to dry for about 10 minutes.
  • Once dried,  massage on the area with the help of your fingers in opposite direction of hair growth.
  • After removing paste rinse your face with warm water.
  • You can apply this paste twice in a week but if you have extreme growth of unwanted hair than apply this paste on daily basis to avoid a frequent trip to salon.

This home remedy to use Vaseline to remove unwanted hair is an effective way to get rid of facial hairs. It also improves skin texture and leave your skin moisturized and hydrated.

Noreen Fahad

Noreen Fahad is a freelance writer, content marketing specialist and social media marketer with more than 11 years of experience. As an expert writer, she makes sure that readers have access to the most relevant and helpful information . She writes about different topics such as Fashion, beauty, parenting, lifestyle, health & fitness and food & Beverages.

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