Food & Beverages Lifestyle

4 Healthy Ramadan Suhoor Recipes Ideas

Looking for healthy Ramadan suhoor recipes? As Ramadan approaches, many Muslims around the world prepare for a month of fasting from dawn until sunset. Suhoor, the pre-dawn meal, is crucial in providing our body with energy and nutrients it needs to sustain itself throughout the day.

However, it can be a challenge to find healthy and nutritious options that will keep you full and energized. In this article, we will explore some delicious and easy-to-make suhoor recipes that are not only healthy but also packed with essential vitamins and minerals to help you make the most of your Ramadan fast.

During the holy month of Ramadan, the Suhoor meal is of great importance as it serves as the primary source of energy during the fasting period. This reduces thirst during fasting, maintains blood sugar levels, and prevents headaches.

Sehri is one of the most crucial meals during Ramadan to maintain a high level of energy all day. Suhoor is therefore essential to the body and is used as fuel during the Ramadan fast. During the heat wave, remember to remain hydrated and maintain a balanced diet. Start your week off with a straightforward diet that includes fruit, nutritious carbohydrates, and protein. To keep healthy, increase your intake of yoghurt, legumes, veggies, and poultry as well as plenty of juices and liquids.

The main tip is to stay hydrated throughout the day. In addition to water, consuming hydrating fruits and vegetables in Iftar and Suhoor is equally important. For example, water melon is extremely hydrating as it contains plenty of water. So without doing a further delay, let’s look into the Suhoor meal prep recipes.

Related: Delicious Homemade Biryani Masala Powder Recipe 

4 Healthy Ramadan Suhoor Recipes

Healthy and best foods to eat at suhoor are those that are nutrient-dense and slow-digesting, providing a steady source of energy until iftar. Whole-grain bread, oats, and quinoa are great options, as they are high in complex carbohydrates and fiber, which can help keep you feeling full for longer. Protein-rich foods like eggs, yogurt, and lean meats can also be beneficial, as they can help repair and rebuild muscle tissue.

Additionally, incorporating healthy fats such as avocado or nuts can provide a source of sustained energy. Finally, don’t forget to hydrate! Drinking water and other hydrating fluids like coconut water or herbal tea can help prevent dehydration throughout the day. So, the best food to eat at suhoor are those that are nutrient-dense, slow-digesting, and hydrating, helping you stay energized and focused throughout your fast.

Here is 4 Healthy Ramadan Suhoor Recipes Ideas to keep you energized whole day:

Omelet bites

Omelet bites - Healthy Ramadan Suhoor Recipes

I recently tried these mini omelet bites these are the perfect little protein bites that you just can take out of the fridge when you wake up for Suhoor.


  • Take some bell peppers
  • onions
  • cherry tomatoes
  • spinach and 4 eggs
  • Garlic Salt (to taste)
  • Black Pepper (to taste)

Note: You can take any veggies of your choice. You can also add mushrooms, cheese or any kind of meat you like.


  1. Whisk four eggs in a bowl and season it with just garlic salt and black pepper.
  2. Then add veggies to it and mix it together.
  3. Spray little muffin tins with olive oil and add this mixture to all the tins.
  4. Bake it in oven at 350 degree Fahrenheit for 15 minutes.

How quick it is, isn’t it? Freeze these mini omelet bites and you just need to warm it up in Suhoor. Eat it with a toast and some avocado on the side and you are good to go.

Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

Chia Seed Pudding

Our second recipe idea for Healthy Ramadan Suhoor Recipes is a dream for chocolate lovers and is a very healthy breakfast or dessert option. For this recipe, you need following Ingredients:


  • 1 cup dairy free milk
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ¼ cup chia seeds
  • Sea salt
  • 3 tbsp sweetener of your choice. (Honey or maple syrup are good options for sweetener)


  1. Add all these ingredients in a container and then shake it up.
  2. Leave it in fridge for some hours until it gets pudding like consistency.
  3. Add berries to it for extra flavor. It just tastes like chocolate pudding.

Chia seeds are really healthy and especially in Ramadan it works like magic for you. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber which are so needed in Ramadan.

No- Bake Dates Energy Bars

Dates Energy Bars - Healthy Ramadan Suhoor Recipes

This is my version of healthy granola bars. They are made without baking and is very easy to make. You can also eat it as a healthy treat after Iftar.

The base for these is medjool dates. You can take Ajwa dates also.


  • 13-14 medium medjool pitted dates
  • 1 cup oats
  • ¼ cup unsweetened coconut flakes
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  • ¼ cup peanut butter
  • 1 cup raw walnuts
  • ¼ cup flaxseed powder and
  • 3tbsp cocoa powder.

Dates Energy Balls -


  1. Add all these ingredients in a blender and blend it.
  2. Take the mixture out in a container and level it up using hands. Note: Here you have two options, either you can level the mixture in a tray to shape in bar or you can make balls of mixture.
  3. Place it in fridge for 20 minutes so that they are easier to cut in pieces.

These energy bars are easier to grab in the morning and are full of energy. These bars can stay in fridge four 4 to 5 days.

Tropical Green smoothie

Tropical Green smoothie - Healthy Ramadan Suhoor Recipes

For our last Healthy Ramadan Suhoor Recipes Idea, we are going to prepare this delicious Tropical Green Smoothie which is full of nutrients. For this recipes all you need is following ingredients:


  • 1 frozen banana
  • ½ cup frozen mango
  • 1 cup fresh spinach
  • fresh ginger
  • half lemon and
  • coconut water. (You can also use plain water instead of coconut water)


  1. Add all these ingredients except lemon and coconut water in a little plastic bag and freeze it.
  2. Just take it out of the freezer in Suhoor and add all the ingredients into your blender.
  3. Also squeeze half a lime into it and add coconut water.
  4. Then blend well. Your healthy green smoothie is ready.

Suhoor is an essential meal during Ramadan that should not be skipped. Eating a nutritious and well-balanced suhoor meal can provide the energy and nutrients your body needs to sustain itself throughout the day while fasting. Incorporating the best foods to eat at suhoor, such as whole-grain bread, oats, quinoa, eggs, yogurt, lean meats, and healthy fats, can help keep you feeling full, provide a steady source of energy, and prevent dehydration.

With the right ingredients, preparing healthy Ramadan suhoor recipes can be easy and delicious. Try out some of the recipes suggested in this article and make the most of your Ramadan fast. Happy fasting!

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